Welcome to MLIBTY official BlogSite my life is better than yours: Surviving in the Wild

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Surviving in the Wild

How cool would it be, to be stranded in the wild for, say, 2 weeks? There are people who make a living by agreeing to be placed in the wild and surviving with nothing but a knife. The only person with them would be the camera man, and I think that in most cases they aren’t even allowed to talk to them.

To be honest, I don’t think that it would be that hard to do. Think about it. If you have a knife you can kill animals and get food, you can spear fish, cut wood for fire, build a shelter, pass time, and protect yourself. Even without a knife, it would still be manageable to get by with your own two hands. I once saw an episode of one of these survivor shows where the guy stranded in the wild set up a trap for catching fish out of twigs. It was pretty much a wooden cage/ box with one open side where the fish would enter, and a last side which was to be closed when the fish entered the cage. The twist, though, was that when the last side of the cage was closed, there was a roof to the cage with additional twigs that not only made sure that the fish couldn’t jump out, but since it was meant to spear the fish, it made sure that it couldn’t break out of it. Surprisingly enough, it actually worked, and he managed to catch a variety of different fish, and he had himself a “feast”.

It might sound kind of extreme and vary difficult, but in reality, it’s not. They are throwing a man in the forest, full of many animals, and full of vegetation, aaand they provide him with a knife. What I would like to see is someone going into a desert, say the Sahara desert, and have them find their way out, surviving however they can. As log as you keep in mind that the most vital thing in the desert is water, and if you know how to get that water, you should fare pretty well.

Personally, if I was in the desert, obviously I would survive off of the desert animals. For water I would find the desert plants, and I would extract the water that they store, because desert plants store their water for long intervals, due to the lack of it in the desert. During the day, I would stay cool by not overexerting myself, and if I did get too hot I would stop and rest, and cover myself with think white clothes that would repel the sun’s UV rays and keep them from heating me up. At night I would dig a hole in the desert ground deep enough for me to curl up in. This allows for me to make better use of my body heat. And if I ever got desperate, I could always find a substitute to food with a “hand” from the camera man…


wareagle69 said...

you're an idiot. its people like you that get others killed how much bush time do you have? you said if it was too hot you would conserve energy during the day by hiding under cover and not move at night by digging a hole to conserve heat. when would you search for water how would you drink it w/ only a knife, there was allready an experiment by two fellas in manitoba they wanted to go out for 30 days with only a knife after 13 days they came home defeated cold wet tired and hungry, these well trained individuals who make the tv shows have backup in a life threatening situation, so that makes it mentallt easier knowing you have a way out, train your self then go out, but i ask you if all this is so easy then go out video it and post it for my enjoyment, what you will garner from this experience is that it is not easy to do this eat the wrong plant you are dead drink the wrong water you will die show me how easy it is to harvest animals with only a knife, yes it is possible, but possible to those who train and understand primitive skills.
all i can leave you with is this
you're a numpty

concretefeet said...

i would challenge the author of this article to test this list of oppinions:

even in the relatively lush, only semi-arid California sierras: at this time of year, and under close supervision of a support person with an emergency supply of resources such as water, an air conditioned vehicle and a communication device to summon medical help in the event of an accident; do you suppose you would find even a week easy?

klkak said...

I would love to take you into the wilds of Alaska and watch you try to survive for two days let alone two weeks with only a knife. I'll even let you choose your time of year. Hell I'll even let you take a ferro rod with you. The catch is that I get to film your pain and suffering. I hope for the sake of your soul that no one dies because of your idiotic blog.