Welcome to MLIBTY official BlogSite my life is better than yours: The Maria Culpa AP test

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Maria Culpa AP test

Just recently I was forced to take a mini imitation of the AP multiple choice test. As innocent as it may initially seem, don’t be fooled. This test is vile, disgusting, and tricky. Let your guard down for 1 second, and you’ll find yourself falling into one of the many PURPOSELY planted traps designed to fail you on the test. For example, on this test in particular, there was a document (Doc C), that wasn’t even a real source. That’s right, it was a made up source made alluringly simple, so that you would get duped into using it. You might think that you wouldn’t fall for this trick, but the truth is that there is a very real possibility of that happening. When you’re pressed for time, and you find an article that is easy to understand and use, you’ll probably use it to support/refute your argument.

Fortunately enough, I have enough knowledge of diction and logical fallacies to understand that it was not a good source to use. However, even I, was not able to see past it not being a real source.

When Mr. Ayers told us about how the grades were graded, I felt no remorse or pity whatsoever. See, the process is that they take qualified AP lang teachers, send them to Nebraska and lock them in a room with little bread and water, chain them to a table, and force them to grade paper after paper (according to Mr. Ayers). He also mentioned something about if an essay was too confusing or debatable, that they had to go to the “table leader” and have them sort it out. What the hell is a table leader?

Well if anything it makes me feel better about taking their stupid tests knowing that they have to report to their table leaders.

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