Welcome to MLIBTY official BlogSite my life is better than yours: Microsoft office 2007 (OneNote)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Microsoft office 2007 (OneNote)

There’s no doubt about it, Microsoft has outdone itself with the newest Microsoft office installments. The new Microsoft office includes 9 different programs. Of course, there are the classic programs such as Word, Power Point, and Excel. But there are some new programs that are worth checking out. For example there is one program called OneNote. This program is unique in that it lets you click anywhere on the page and you can immediately start typing there. This makes it very convenient for taking notes. And after you write something, you can click on the text box that it appears in and drag it around to wherever you want. And you can also add pictures wherever you want (and click on it to add text). Another cool feature that it has is letting you organize things into a binder/folder. So if I am taking 3 classes, or if I have 3 clients, I can put 3 different folders in the binder and keep all of my notes for each class in the designated folder, instead of having them all saved like documents. And that’s another thing about OneNote – there is no save feature; everything saves automatically.

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