Welcome to MLIBTY official BlogSite my life is better than yours: Photo Essays

Monday, May 5, 2008

Photo Essays

Just recently, Mr. Ayers has given us a link to check out something he refers to as "photo essays". These are not much different that a timed slideshow, or even a movie in some cases. Basically, what it is, is a slide show of pictures that is accompanied by a commentary by the author. This can be to the author's advantage, as he can show whatever pictures he wants the "viewer" to see. He can also implement pauses and breaks at his pleasure. Not only that, but he has the right to emphasize words that he feels stand out and make an impact on the viewer.

We have a similar assignment to this in which we have to either make a slide show (similar to this one), or a movie, and one more option that i just cant think of right now. Anyways, me and my partner decided to do a movie. It seems simple enough. All we have to do is write the script/essay and make a movie that fits coherently with it. We also have the same rights as the people who make the slideshows, such as breaks and emphasis. In addition to this, we can also do special effects to the film. This shouldnt be too hard since we have the programming and experince needed to do it.

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