Welcome to MLIBTY official BlogSite my life is better than yours: Youtube

Monday, March 10, 2008


There is a great website that just about called Youtube. If you haven’t heard of it, you need to get out of your cave and get introduced to it. Now then, for those of you barbarians who don’t know what it is, it is a site compiled of possibly every video ever created. This also extends to movies, music videos, songs, TV shows, commercials, and even lectures and documentaries. Now then, this website can be used both for leisure purposes and also for educational purposes. For example, just a couple of weeks ago my group in my Language Arts class used Youtube to show an electronic reading of our authors work. Otherwise, if you find that you have missed an episode of a show, say the Chappell Show, you could just log onto Youtube search the name of the episode, and Presto! You can watch the show. Let’s say that you don’t know the actual name of the title, you could just search certain keywords that you think are relevant to what you are searching for, and a powerful search engine will almost definitely find what you are looking for.

What’s that you say? “Youtube, grunt, good”! Yes Youtube Good.

Let’s assume that you just crawled out of your cave and do not know about the shows that are commonly watched nowadays. Youtube, being the great site that it is, has a section on its home page dedicated to helping you find something to watch. This is called the “what other people are watching” section and can sometimes be convenient when trying to find something to watch.

I can tell you’re interested by the way you keep beating the ground with your club. So, tell you what, on the left hand of my Blog site, there are a list of websites that I find useful or interesting. Among those websites, there is one called Y-O-U-T-U-B-E that you might find interesting. So now just guide you mouse to the link and click on it.

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